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Shadow Wolf

Member Since 12 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2023 04:00 PM

#468370 Naruto 631

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 28 May 2013 - 11:42 PM

Guys... bashing... please, be careful.

#468257 Naruto 631

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 28 May 2013 - 10:07 PM

So good, this chapter has 20 pages, three resolutions and one big gengutsu. :P

#468077 Naruto 631

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 28 May 2013 - 05:47 PM

Dawn of the final day. 24 hours remain. :argh:


(Actually, it's around 12 hours. I just wanted to say that because I'm a Zelda dork. :sweatdrop: )





Anyway, I did read somewhere about someone proposing that Oro and Karin (and maybe Suigetsu) arrived where the 5 kages are. What do you think guys?

#465824 Sakura; Naruto's Girlfriend

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 24 May 2013 - 01:15 PM

Well, it is a complicated matter, but not in a negative light. Let me explain:

To me, Naruto is indeed serious about his response to his dad. After all, why would it be a joke when he is actually thinking about it (umm... uhm?) and finding a way to not lie about it ("well, more or less it.."). Sakura's reaction shows me that she was surprised, but doesn't want to dig into the topic "just yet" because there are more important issues to be solved first (the war).

So, was Naruto serious? Yes! Are they officially a couple? I don't think so because I'm sure that they want to have everything said and done (Sakura resolving her feelings, both of the speaking about the confession and about the bench scene and of course, finally deciding together if they wish to be a couple). But in the end, does it look like this is the "road to NaruSaku"? There's no 100% guarantee (The unpredictable factor exists), but as people say it, there is a good chance for it to happen. smile.gif