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Member Since 31 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 26 2024 12:49 AM

#991144 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 24 May 2024 - 01:39 PM

Honestly, forgot today was the 20th...lets see something in the news. Oh apparently the Assassin Creed game's Japanese expert is a Fujoshi that is a yaoi-shota fan. That has actually written books on Monk on Shota action. Not an expert on the Sengoku Jidia the setting is based on but how to make the idealize hot Japanese fantasy underage F*&kboys...What a world.


Summary Time: Chapter 90/(10). Kernel. Right. Lets see the BS they make up to justify Kurama's return.


Cover page is tiny Kurama and the daughter. Ikemoto inability to convey expression makes it look like they are antagonistic towards each other. 


Neo-Ino-Shika-Cho are fleeing on an art bird. Tree-Jenga question why they are even bothering to run. Oh Finally! Some adult are coming to join the fight...oh its Konohamaru with a few mooks. Also Ikemoto has changed his design of Konohamaru. So, he isn't completely unrecognizable like he was at the start of the manga. Shikamaru informs both Bolt and Nail that they are after the daughter. He then ask Nail to make a temporary truce. Nail having some standards seem to feel he is required to protect the daughter...despite ignoring the fact he was told she was in danger last chapter. Character Consistency, what is that? Tree- Jenga goes off to chase the daughter. Leaving Tree-Sasuke to deal with Konohamaru. Konohamaru is shocked that Sasuke is one of the intruders, because it has taken forever for someone to tell Shikamaru the info hasn't been passed down through the Ranks yet. Oh and Salad appears Tree-Sasuke's target. They attack each other with Chidori. Salad question who this person is...it can't be her father because he has a left arm. Oh the tree people have these weird hand feet instead of the Freeza style the nudist had before.


Now the conversation with Kurama...why does it feel like Ikemoto can't even draw him properly. Yep, I thought so. So, Kurama 'died' within Naruto but a kernel remains and was able to restore itself within the daughter. What did I say last month. "If it doesn't kill the Biju and allows them to escape their host without killing them either, why didn't the tailed beast use their suicide nuke modes in the century they were used as weapons by the villages? Just tell/trick their host about this super mode. Then go into hiding while they assume the tailed beast is dead." The funny thing is they know this is all BS. So they give multiple reasons, all but saying 'it could be anything,' but end on the fact that she is a Hyuuga and Uzumaki. You know a thing that nH fans will love and stand by as it justifies their pairing happening. "Naruto and Hinata had to get together because their children would be so much more powerful than the children Naruto could have with Sakura. The only reason the daughter has Kurama without any seal is because she is Hinata's daughter." Kurama also says to not give it too much thought. Again. BULL. BULL. This whole thing is BULL.


So the answer to, was this planned from that start? No. They did not plan this. Kurama's death was so they wouldn't have to kill off Naruto, remember it was hinted that he is suppose to be dead at this point, they couldn't go through with that because his death might destroy the viewership they had left, and his revival is to give the daughter power to fight in the manga because they were told to add more characters into the cast that would fight beyond just Bolt & Nail. None of this was planned.


While they were having this conversation. Tree-Jenga caught up to them and shoots them down. What is up with Kurama's face. Kurama informs the daughter to use his power and that she has a higher affinity with him than anyone else including her father. So they fight, but it takes the likely death of Blond Sai, he was spiked through the chest, for the daughter to awaken Kurama's power. Oh her hair also looks like the nine tails like her grandmother.


There is no seal. Kurama has nothing stopping him from giving her his chakra. Which she supposedly has the highest affinity for. Why does she need to awaken it like a super mode? Naruto needed to get emotional to weaken the seal to let Kurama's Chakra pour out. Once they become friends that was no longer needed. Naruto just needed to ask.


Where going back into something does happen (The daughter's powers awaken, Tree-Sasuke is revealed to the village, and the likely death of a characters) but most of the pages are filler again with Ikemoto. Soon it will be one thing happens again, then 5 chapters for something to happen, and then fifteen, and so on.

.....? What the hell do I mean the hell are they even doing anymore? This is just so...  Argh, take it away, Critic.


#990950 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 27 February 2024 - 01:36 AM

At this point Naruto is a dead brand, and SP, since we know they are the one running Naruto now.

Still it seems like they will keep on trying to keep Naruto running, thinking it brings them billions.

As a wise old man from South Park once said: Sometimes dead is better.

#990939 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 16 February 2024 - 10:59 PM

Well, I think I know what has taken Tokai so long.


dgwb7po-c81b1186-1416-4704-9581-c370f8c2Page 10




#990889 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 02 January 2024 - 01:04 AM

HAPPY NEW YEAR, let's hope this year will be better than last and cause it was News Year some sweet NS art I found.



#990865 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 26 December 2023 - 01:06 AM

I hope everyone had a great Christmas.

#990836 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 15 December 2023 - 01:52 AM

They really did Sakura wrong in the anime. If it wasn't for SP's biasness with Hinata, Sakura very likely would have been extremely popular. 

True that and if brainless morons realised that Sakura was kittening 12 years old and not someone in their late 30s. Sadly most of her haters are all stupid who need to go to a school that teaches writing.

Sorry if this is short I will say more tomorrow I just need to get some sleep as Im very ill right now.

#990798 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 29 November 2023 - 09:10 PM

Oh yes, here is some sweet NS art.



#990790 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 28 November 2023 - 01:26 AM

Youre welcome HalfDemon I use my powers for good and now to erase NH/SS from history.

No Chi I wont Ill do something more wholesome a NaruSaku art.

#990781 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 27 November 2023 - 01:45 AM

Lol Id laugh so much if they made Naruto and Sasuke gay. We all know what Netflix is like as unlike Oda. Kishi has no balls so hed do whatever Netflix says.

#990714 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 27 October 2023 - 07:27 PM

To be honest, I have started reading the Lord of the Rings books; I'm on The Hobbit right now, and I am enjoying the problem is more people need to read since we all saw what happened with Naruto I and you all have said it with past post that the SP staff did push Hinata more and more.

#990683 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 12 October 2023 - 12:38 AM

Again, they can admit their mistakes, but it doesn't change anything. The story ended up beinmg kitten and is still kitten to this day and they are partially responsible for it. So still shallow to me. 

Oh they are Phantom not trying to give them any excuses here this is the kitten they wanted now they have to live with the trash.

I know a former NH shipper but was one of the few who liked Sakura but after Pain and what Hinata did which as I remember he said: Did this dumb ass kitten really jump in just to say she loved Naruto without a mother F...ing plan

And after that he began switching to NS he wanted Sasuke six feet under ground. We do talk about the BS and he said he was happy he dropped out of NH after Pain.

#990676 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 06 October 2023 - 12:32 AM

True enough.  The only thing revelatory about the repeated analyses is that a wider portion of the western fandom seems to finally be catching on and accepting what we've been saying here for nearly a decade now: That NaruHina x SasuSaku are toxic, stagnant, and incompatible. Also, that the "Hinata is a goddess" rhetoric seems to be fading.

I do think many of them are now growing up and finding out what real kittening relationships are like. They are nothing like SS or NH and as we have tried telling them over the years how bad both pairings are and how they make no sense.

For the female fans who desperately wanted a dark prince to save and heal aka SS they are reaching the age which they can now see Sasuke was a prick who Sakura shouldnt have gave a kitten about after all the crap he did to her.

The NH fans are learning as they get older Hinata has nothing but being a yes girl for Naruto.

I do think many will still say SS and NH were the greatest thing to ever happen in the Manga, but as the readers get older many will start to change their views. Do you think when they reach 40 and have children and see how they act they will still think NH and SS are all that amazing? I dont think they will I think they will look back at this and know how stupid they were for think this.

Not all mind you we know many will always simp over Hinata and Sasuke thinking they were done perfectly.

Sorry for any mistakes I did this on my phone.

#990525 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 26 August 2023 - 09:14 PM

You know, after watching some older films, I think Naruto suffers from a God complex.


One part of it is this, and it fits Naruto so well.


The person is highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct

#990479 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 20 August 2023 - 05:26 PM

Well everyone Im 36 today.

#990381 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 02 August 2023 - 11:57 PM

I don't even understand why they bother acting indignant anymore.  They've seen for themselves throughout Boruto that Naruto sparsely shows consideration towards his children or any attraction towards Hinata.  Hell, he even called her out as a idiot for being more concerned about him being danger than their freakin' children.  

The problem is they still think Hinata is the best girl that was ever created. Obedient and submissive to the male Hinata fan, this is their dream girl because it means they will never have to put all that much work into the relationship.
Look at whats her face's birthday did Hinata yell at Naruto? No, she did nothing, and the fans loved that, but if that were Sakura, they would have called Sakura a kitten as he is working so hard. Nothing new the Hinata/nH fans have always had the whole double standards when it came to Sakura, always giving her a hard time, but if Hinata did something bad or recklessly stupid, then she would get a free pass in the whole thing.
I mean, do you guys remember the whole deal with Sakura trying to stab Obito's Rinnegan and fans going at her for failing? But if this were Hinata, they would say something along the lines. "Oh, it's not Hinata's fault. Madara is just to hax."
The fact is, even after getting the ending they wanted, they still see Sakura as a threat is both sad and funny cause we are living rent-free in their heads; many know their ending was BS, and some think NS should have become canon, others are just that crazy that they think NH was planned from the start. Sadly I think we are always going to get this with the crazy nH fans thinking this, but as I said, we are still living rent-free in their heads, and this drives them crazy.