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Member Since 28 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2014 05:44 PM

About Me

I have been a Narusaku fan since i started reading the manga in 2007. It is my favorite pairing though I'm open to other pairings as well. I'm a bit of a Sasunaru fan and recently I've grown more tolerant of Naruhina. I probably will never like Sasusaku. Sakura is my favorite character and I want more for her than a guy who has hardly thought of her throughout the series.
I could give you all sorts of explantations about why I like Narusaku (because it is the most developed pairing, because it works the best, etc...) but really it just comes down to the fact that I liked it from the start and never stopped. It just made sense to me, and it made me happy every time they had a moment. That is usually how it works for me in a work of fiction, I see a possible pairing and think "Oh, they'd be good together." The good news is, I have an impeccable track record, so I must be pretty good at this thing smile.gif
My other favorite pairings:
Han/Leia Star Wars (My original OTP. I shipped them before I knew Luke was her brother: my parents were wonderful and introduced me to Star Wars early, without revealing any spoilers. My sister thought Luke and Leia would get together, and she was two year older than me, lol)
Ron/Hermione, Harry Potter (My all time favorite.)
Kyo/Tohru, Fruits Basket (They introduced me to manga and made me fall in love with it)
Luke/Lorelai, Gilmore Girls (First Tv couple I ever supported)
Chuck/Blair, Gossip Girl (So hot!)
Alex/Izzie, Grey's Anatomy (Now they eventually broke up because Katherine Heigl left, but the writers would've made them endgame if they could have)
Mark/Lexie, Grey's Anatomy (I cry just thinking about it)
Peter/Olivia, Fringe (Epic)

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