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Bail o' Lies

Member Since 06 Apr 2015
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#991124 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 18 May 2024 - 09:31 PM

Right now the scenarios I'll do three but I'll do them in general sense.


1) What if Naruto's and Sasuke's parents lived.


A lot of people seems to be obsessed over the concept that the overall theme of Naruto was, "Naruto was just suppose to be a nobody, he isn't suppose to be a child of destiny, he is just suppose to be a nobody." Not realizing the real point is, "Naruto was stripped of everything when he became the container for Kurama. He just became a weapon for the village, not really a person any more just a dangerous thing, the ultimate embodiment of the 'a ninja is not a person they are just a tool' philosophy that many ninja are taught from birth, and he had to struggle to get everything he should of had at birth." One of those being Sakura's affection. 


Naruto would likely be told the story of how his parents got together when he was young. Which would give him the courage to compliment Sakura's forehead even when they were like 5 or 6. Sakura develops a crush on the Son of the Fourth Hokage that complimented her forehead, praises her, encourages her, and protects her from bullies. Kushina, if she learns of this, see Sakura as a little her. Then, makes it her mission to get those two together and get her some grandchildren. If you don't believe that would happen, you haven't been around any mothers with young kids. If a boy and girl are friendly at a park, if they are watching those two mothers will gush about how cute they look together, and dream about grandchildren they would give them. So, she takes Sakura under her wing. Sakura's parents support them getting together, as it gives Sakura the best possible future as Naruto will grow up to be the most eligible and desirable bachelor in the village.


Sasuke would be Naruto's best friend since birth. Their parents were best friends, and apparently Mikoto wanted to adopt Naruto once Kushina died. He would know that Naruto pretty much laid claim to Sakura very early on, likely played with both of them for years, also likely end up on a team with both of them, and the Sacred Rules inscribe upon every man's heart call The Guy Code would prevent him from really going after Sakura. And again, he would probably prefer to marry another Uchiha clan member like his father and brother did. 


2) What if Sasuke didn't leave the village. What if Sasuke was informed of Orochimaru's intentions for his body and someone pointed out that without the plot and the world bending over backwards for him. He would have likely trick him. If not just out right imprison him and steal his body when he has the chance.


Well, Sasuke would remain in the village, since there is less of a reason to leave, but the 'what if' is always there in the back of his mind. That thought would come out whenever he hits a plateau or a roadblock in his training. Sakura might be glad that Sasuke hasn't left the village but the doubt, the fear, and what she saw in the Forest of Death will always stay with her. Naruto is told about the curse seal while his faith in Sasuke has never been shaken. He does nag Sasuke about the seal. Sakura becomes grateful to Naruto for helping return the team to some level of normalcy. 


The problem is that Jiraiya still wants to train Naruto to get him ready for the Akatsuki return that may require Naruto to leave the village with him; to be on the road for a few years. This will make Sasuke jealous that he isn't being given this special training for his revenge. So, the adults Kakashi, Tsunade, and Jiraiya talk about what they should do. At first, they leave the team together to see how that works and if they don't. They eventually decided to do the individual focus training. Jiraiya for Naruto and Kakashi for Sasuke. The problem is Sakura, they note she would be a great if not perfect medical ninja. She however lacks the drive to endure the training Tsunade would give her. She got her drive originally from seeing how hurt Naruto gotten from trying to keep his promise to her and her swearing not to be a burden to him anymore. So, she either finds that drive or languish in mediocrity. Story-wise she has to get that drive and it preferably has to come from one of her two teammates. Now be honest everyone, do you think Naruto is going to give her that drive/encouragement or Sasuke?


Then comes Karin who joins the village to be with Sasuke. If she is allowed and they discover she is an Uzumaki, Naruto gets a cousin. Naruto would probably want to get to know and bond with his only family. He also may be willing to help his only family member get with the boy she is in love with, who is also his best friend. So, with Naruto help and being Sasuke's type, she makes both incredibly and relatively quick gains to becoming the one in the lead to being with Sasuke. Sakura with start to doubt herself and Sasuke's feelings for her when another girl just appeared and was able to surpass her that fast.


Naruto is not bound by the Promise of a Lifetime, so he is free to pursue Sakura. Karin would probably help him in return for helping with Sasuke. Sasuke might just make it clear to Sakura he isn't interested in her and tell where what really happened.


Also, as I said before the time they were together as Team 7 before the chunin wasn't that long. Anywhere from maybe 3-6 months. While the time from when Sasuke left the village to the ending is about 3-4 years. That means at a minimum they would spend six times to as much as sixteen times together with the issues and lack of trust driving their bond into the dirt. Or more likely Sasuke getting sick of her pining after him and making it clear he doesn't like her.


So Part 2 would be NS and SK already set, if not together, as the final pairing just them developing further into that.


3) What if Sasuke returned before Kishimoto had a mandate to put nH/SS together. That is everything between what if he was dragged back at the end of part one, to he comes back willing during some part in the middle of part two, and even what if Kishi had continued the story past the war arc so didn't get the mandate to set up the sequel.


Naruto uses every last ounce of influence he has in the village to get Sasuke a pardon for his crimes. Afterwards for a few weeks he decides to give Sasuke and Sakura some distance before trying to win Sakura again; a reset of the relationships. Everyone, well mostly everyone, knows what he is doing. Sasuke isn't into Sakura and doesn't want to be with her unless he feels the need to atone for how he treated her. While Sakura is upset at Naruto keeping his distance from her.


Sai eventually has enough and confronts Sasuke to help out his friends. The two of them have a spat about how they are his friends not his. Then Sasuke goes to Sakura and ends any possibility of them getting together and pushes her towards Naruto.


Sakura confronts Naruto asks him why he did it. He confesses his feelings. They end up together.

#991122 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 18 May 2024 - 05:24 AM

Well got the other posts to how I want them to be...may have bolded a bit too much to highlight points but oh well.


Anyways, after looking at Therece's posts and thinking it over. I will now answer the two questions to the best of my ability. One, the development of NS and SS, and two how they would develop in various scenarios. 


So, for the first, lets first look at what we can identify as Sasuke's and Sakura's type.


Let's start with the harder one that doesn't get much focus on this topic. Sasuke, when he talked to Sakura chastised her for not training, and when he talked to Kakashi in 693 one of the things that seem to really put him off liking Sakura is her assumption that, he already loves her. Now, lets compared that to Karin, who seemed to be the intended love interest of Sasuke before the ending changes. She was chosen by Sasuke to be on his team because of her tracking and healing abilities, he knew her personality yet still chose her, and he didn't shut down her attempts at flirting, like he did with Sakura. My guess is because she was trying to win his love instead of just waiting for it. So, going off that, Sasuke's type seems to be  'useful girls that tries to win his love.' While he dislikes, 'useless lazy girls that just wait for him to fall in love with them.' I'm guessing, this comes from him disliking his fangirls. That would fight each other for his attention while hoping, he would pick out one of them to be his girlfriend.


Even once they get together, Sasuke seems to only really care about how competent she is (SS manga) and defending her on a basis of that competence (Sarada's Gaiden.)


Sakura, I have already gone over in other topics and even without that, its not that hard to figure out is, 'strong confident and capable boys that compliment her.'


So, like I said before, SS and NS mirrored each other in part one, how Sakura treated Naruto was in turn how she was treated by Sasuke. They both got off on the wrong foot in chapter 3. For NS, the forehead compliment led to Sakura doubling down on her devotion towards Sasuke, if not turning her crush into love. The conversation she had with Sasuke afterwards put him off her by showing him her ugly side, That chapter helped set up their dynamics as a team when they trained and went on missions. Now they had moments and got closer, for the sake of not getting into pedantic semantics. I hope we will all just agree that, Naruto got as close to Sakura as she did to Sasuke during that time.


However, the relationships changed with the Chunin Exam. For SS the curse seal, for NS the pinky fingers and fighting Gaara.


The curse seal turned Sasuke's and Sakura's relationship into a negative abusive one from the second Sasuke got it. Sasuke when he awaken his use of the curse seal, he went on a power-high trip. Where he tried to rip Zaku's arms from his sockets and was going to commit similar acts of cruelty to anyone else he could get his hands on. Sakura terrified and concern at what Sasuke doing begged him to stop. Seeing the utter terror in Sakura's eyes shamed and calmed Sasuke. But, he had gotten a taste of that power. So, he ordered/pressured Sakura not to tell Naruto, as he would not allow Sasuke to use a power that dangerous. The story makes it very clear that not telling Naruto was a major factor in Sasuke leaving the village. As he would have likely talk/pester him to not use it and he would have complied. Sasuke also shot down any attempt of Sakura telling others. He also dismissed most of her worries and concerns about the curse seal as harshly as he could. Though as shown during his fight against Yoroi in the prelims that thinking of both Sakura's worrying and Naruto's nagging is what caused him to resist the curse seal...also the fact that Kakashi warned him that if he used the seal he would be disqualifiedAfterwards, Sakura's feelings went from fondness, constant praise if not worship, and wanting to get a date with him; to constantly worried, fretting over him, fearing he will seek out Orochimaru for power, leaving her, abandoning her, and doubting him in general. Till eventually, Sakura had lost so much faith in Sasuke, she finally told Naruto about the curse seal. Though too late to stop him from leaving.


At the start of the chunin exam arc, Konohamaru when he saw Naruto and Sakura together alone. He thought Sakura was Naruto's girlfriend and asked if that was the case. The way to signal that in Japan, is holding up a pinky finger as the red string of fate is said to be tied to ones pinky. Naruto agreed boastfully and got hit by Sakura for the lie. When Naruto was fighting Gaara to rescue Sakura. When he summoned Boss Gamabunta, he asked him not to fight in a certain area so to not hit Sakura in any crossfire. Gamabunta asked, "who is Sakura," and his son Gamakichi held up his pinky to say "Sakura was Naruto's girlfriend." This being a simple storyline even Kishimoto is capable of but went over the heads' of some westerners. The correct way to earn the right to call someone your girlfriend isn't to boast your claim to your friends but to protect her. Afterwards, Sakura went to thank Sasuke for rescuing her. Sasuke immediately shot down the praise and clarified to Sakura. That Naruto had saved her on his own and went above and beyond to do it. Sakura, then looked at Naruto at an amazed then slowly fond look. In order to show, that her opinion of Naruto had changed. From just a teammate and friend that she cared about to possibly something more.


So, by the end of part one. Sasuke was willing to completely abandoned any bond he had formed with Sakura for power and did so. Sakura was losing faith in Sasuke and had to seek faith and comfort in Naruto. So, by the end of part one SS is at least on the decline if not ended while NS is on the rise.


Sorry, something came up I'll try to do the scenarios tomorrow.

#991107 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 13 May 2024 - 01:47 AM

One thing I learned after 700 chapters of Naruto and 6 years following the manga  It's that there's one thing Kishimoto loves more than trolling and drama. Those are plot twists, no matter how surprising or poorly done, especially after a Talk no Jutsu from Naruto. A discerning reader will readily identify the recurring pattern.

Oh that old chestnut. Right for people that might not know or forgotten. Both Oda and Kubo had online accounts and used to tease and troll their fans. So people assumed Kishimoto must be the same and used that to explain any storyline or plot development they didn't like. Hinata wasn't the heroine having non-stop sex scenes with Naruto every chapter was because Kishimoto was trolling them. Sakura didn't fight was because Kishimoto was trolling them. The story is generic because Kishimoto is trolling them. NS was just one big long troll by Kishimoto he spent most of the manga developing that pairing to the point of almost completely ignoring the others beyond making them look bad because he was planning a 15 year long joke.


This of course ignores the fact that one, outside of events like Jumpfesta he never interacts with fans. I don't think he even has any social media accounts. Two, the interviews he gives never come off as him enjoying his 15 year long joke but a guy that gave into pressure and wondered if he did the right thing. Well, till he threw up his hands and stopped caring. Also the simple question. If Kishimoto is some great genius artist that was half-assing Naruto for a joke, Why did Samurai 8 flop!?


Honestly, after Samurai 8 I find anyone using anything like the "he must have planned it all along," justification ridiculous. If he could do a fifteen year long plan like that; then why is Samurai 8's plot such a mess? An artist with that great at scheming should have been able to write the plot for something like Samurai 8 in their sleep. If he always was planning nH/SS and was leading NS fans along for a joke and it didn't backfire; why did Samurai 8 keep having to reassure people that Hachi and Anna were the intended couple? Seriously, there were like 10 chapters in a row that could be summarized as Kishimoto going. "This is the pairing. I'm not changing it. I'm not changing it. This is the pairing. I'm not changing it. I'm not changing it. This is the pairing. I'm not changing it. I'm not changing it. The editors can't make me change it again! Not again!"


6 Years? Its been 10. Were you in a coma for 4 years? Are you alright? Comas that long have been know to be cause by or result in severe brain damage. Or are you talking about that you followed the manga 6 years before the ending? Which is a pointless flex if every I saw one. There were people that read the manga for 15 years that were confused by the ending.


One thing I learned after 700 chapters of Naruto and 6 years following the manga  It's that there's one thing Kishimoto loves more than trolling and drama. Those are plot twists, no matter how surprising or poorly done, especially after a Talk no Jutsu from Naruto. A discerning reader will readily identify the recurring pattern.


Zabuza saying he didn't care about Haku and he didn't mean nothing to him, but after a Talk no Jutsu, he went on to love him. 


Gaara, hated by the village and killing everyone, then became the Kazekage after a Talk no Jutsu. 


Nagato reviving the entire village after Naruto's TnJ.


Itachi, a psychopath who killed the clan in front of his brother and tortured him to the limits of insanity, becomes a martyr and a loving brother after his death.


Kishimoto wouldn't throw in a second declaration of love for Sakura in the last volume of the manga for nothing. Everyone, including NaruSaku fans, should be aware of the possibility of Sasuke's 180-degree shift in relation to Sakura and the potential for repressed feelings to be shown after his fight against Naruto and Naruto's Talk no Jutsu.

Look, sometimes blue curtains in a story is just some blue curtains.


Naruto is a standard Shounen manga with standard moralities and tropes. Its not uncommon for Japanese stories to teach Japanese kids that they just need to understand their opponents and talk to them to make peace with them.


As for 693 I could try to explain that was likely Kishimoto showing how much he didn't like the pairing and didn't want to go through with it, but you won't believe it. Wait. Wait. You think Kishimoto is just a big troll and any issues with the manga are him trolling right? Well there is your answer. He is trolling the SS fans. Think about it. Why would such a great troll stop at a mere 15 years long joke? When he can make one that last an eternity that he could laugh at the entire time, including those 15 years? That's why SS has no positive development even after they got together. He made a pairing with no positive elements beyond how hot the guy is. Just to watch pathetic women desperate for some hot fantasy that will never happen to them in real life try to justify it and laugh at their excuses. Now, tell me isn't that what a Great Troll like Kishimoto would do? 


I  consider only the Boruto manga non canon because it wasn't written, illustrated and even  Kishimoto's supervision hasn't been confirmed yet.

Regardless of the theory – whether Kishimoto always had everything planned out or if he changed his mind due to some editorial influence – the fact remains that he written and illustrated everything in the original Naruto manga.    Therefore, everything written in those chapters should be taken into account.

He handed it off to Ikemoto and hasn't taken it back despite it failings. It is canon for now and it happened because of nH/SS. Its failing are in part those pairing fault.


"Whatever Kishimoto makes is canon." Just not the thing you personally disagree with it seems. Or when its "who cares my pairing is canon."


Kishimoto should at least have shown a flashback to this scene at some point during 700 + 10 chapters  to demonstrate how iconic this moment was for Sakura. However, this never happened.

He was writing for a Japanese audience not an American one, where you have to beat a point every second in hopes they may get it. They rarely do. Hell, you ignore all the times Sasuke made clear he doesn't like Sakura.


I'm getting annoyed at all the pictures and having to keep requoting.


The Confession at the end of part one was suppose to be the end of SS. To show her love means nothing to Sasuke and he is ending his bond with her. Saying 'thank you' to a confession is a polite way of declining it in Japan. The reason confessions are a big thing in Japanese stories is they believe confession must be accepted or rejected on the spot. To not do so is considered very rude, and when you reject you do it politely by saying, "thank you."  It is not Kishimoto's fault some fans refused to accept that and wanted them together. Went over the second enough times already on this thread alone.


"So, Sakura shouldn't get with Naruto out of guilt for how she treated him (agreed,) but Sasuke should get together with Sakura out of guilt for how he treated her?" That about sum up your stance on the pairings?

#991105 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 12 May 2024 - 07:47 PM

If SasuSaku happens in part 1 or early part 2, then yeah I can imagine NaruSaku wouldn't develop much of a bond. We can see their bond is non-existent post the ending and in Boruto as evidence for that.

Their connection and friendship for much of the series was on getting Sasuke back and as soon as Sasuke was back, they don't act much more than acquaintances. That's why I always thought the brother/sister arguments were weak arguments. I don't see one moment of them acting like best friends or brother/sister in Boruto.

Once you remove any notion of romance for Naruto and Sakura, then there is basically nothing left for their relationship for ikemoto or kishimoto to write about.

That's because executive/editorial mandate made it so they no longer had a bond. As Naruto and Sakura had gotten so close they would come off as more of a couple than the pairings that actually happen. Sakura was no longer a main character and was all but cut out of Team 7. Her only role of importance now is to be the mother of Sarada and she is only important as she is the most likely love interest of Boruto.


Which also weakens the IPs story. As restoring Team 7 was a major plot line in part two of Naruto, if not the most important. Why should anyone care about the story if when they accomplish this goal the bond of team 7 ceases to exist?


It's true that Sasuke didn't give a damn about any fangirl, like Ino.

The conviviality on Team 7 played a key role in making Sakura stand out.

Eventually, Sasuke came to consider her an dear person to him and want to protect her.

Meanwhile, Sasuke made it clear Naruto became his best friend. Sakura's importance to him, however, remained open-ended. Was she just another best friend?


I'm not saying Sasuke will ask her out. never.

But it's possible that eventually, he will come to accept her feelings, if she were to grow even more in importance to him.


Just like he had no problem accepting her romantically at the end of the manga when he stopped to being obsessed about revenge and let his past go...

What made her stand out from just another fangirl was chapter three; where she disgusted him on a personal level with her comment on orphans.


"Sasuke saw Naruto as his best friend, so he must have saw Sakura as his girlfriend." You are making an assumption and an assertion that is not supported anywhere in the manga.


Lets go to Sasuke leaving the village, where Sakura pours her heart out and Sasuke make it clear how he feels about her.


To sum it up:


Sasuke: "I am leaving the village and abandoning everything for the sake of power. So, I can avenge my clan as that is what's most important to me."


Sakura: "Please stay out of the love you bear for me, remember when you complimented my forehead."


Sasuke: "I don't know what you are talking about, I don't love you, I see you as a teammate, and I am ending that bond here. Bye"


I talked about this last year in comparison to what they did with Nail. So I don't mind explaining it again. "The Tragedy of Sasuke Leaving The Village," is that each of his teammates had their chance to convince him in their own way to stay and could have convince him to remain in the village, but only Naruto was able to reach him at the point he had gone too far to go back.


Sakura did have the chance to convince Sasuke as much as the rest of her teammates but the conversation showed how much the Forehead Compliment while it was preventing NS from happening till it resolved, damaged SS far worse. As Sakura always had a misunderstanding that Sasuke always had feelings towards her. So she never really got to know him or bond with him. So she tried to convince him with a love that wasn't there instead of any friendship that might have formed. Also as shown in 693, Sasuke picked up on the fact that Sakura had always assumed Sasuke had feelings for her when he never gave any indication of that in his mind, leading to a major factor in him disliking her and thinking she was delusional.


If she hadn't just assumed that she was Sasuke's one true love from the start. That all she had to do is just wait for him to feel comfortable with showing it. She may have realized she needed to win his affection and form a bond with him. A bond that could survive him leaving the village, maybe even convince him to stay, and maybe get him to fall in love with her.


I don't think this is relevant. Sakura had several opportunities to ask about this moment, but never brought it up to Sasuke throughout Part 1.


When Sasuke left and she tried to stop him, it was the perfect chance to question him about the Forehead scene. But she remembers the later moment when he called her annoying because of her comment about loneliness.


When Sasuke returned, Sakura could have questioned him about this moment. But she preferred to ask if she could go with him. This led to the Forehead poke, which ironically, touched at the point of Sakura's insecurity.


And again, Sakura didn't relate or even remember the fake Sasuke complimenting her forehead at Chapter 3.

She did bring it up. He said he didn't remember. So she dropped it.


Sasuke doesn't really care about Sakura liking him because he has made it clear he doesn't like her that way.


She did remember the compliment that why she brought up the bench scene or do you really think she was remembering only when he called her annoying?


I believe the NaruSaku relationship would develop much slower or almost become nonexistent in Part 2, just as it was in Part 1 and the post-manga period.


What brought Sakura and Naruto closer together was their mutual desire to bring Sasuke back, along with all the drama that surrounded him + POAL. With Sasuke present, this desire that united them and the POAL simply dissipates.


Of course, Sakura would continue to support Naruto and his dream of becoming Hokage, as she did during the Chūnin Exam.

However,  things would dramatically change for NaruSaku relationship in Part 2. For example:

  • Naruto would not have most of Sakura's attention in Part 2, as he would not be the only member of Team 7 close to her. Sasuke would be present too.
  • Sakura would not have doubts about her feelings and would not be sad with a Sasuke who hasn't committed crimes.

Another important question: Would Sakura ever spontaneously confess her feelings to Naruto without the pressure from Sai about the POAL, and Sasuke in the village?


Probably not, while she would probably confess her feelings to Sasuke at some point, as she did twice in the canon.

Right, I am going to tell you a basic rule in the Guy Code that you clearly don't know about. "If one of your friends seriously likes a girl, even if she into you, you helped him out to see if can they work together; before you even try to go for her."


Men in the Audience! SOUND OUT:


As you said, Naruto is Sasuke best friend, who clearly likes Sakura while he doesn't. Team 7 are slowly growing closer with each other. In Part Two and even in part one, Naruto and Sakura naturally click even as just friends. What is preventing Sasuke from helping his best friend get with a girl who he likes and naturally clicks with? He doesn't like her and the longer they are on a team more chance he will just go. "Sakura maybe you should go on a date with Naruto, instead of keep bugging me for one. As I don't like you as in wanting you as a girlfriend."


You also have Karin that may enter the village due to wanting to be with Sasuke. If she is discovered to be an Uzumaki she is Naruto's relative. While there is a rule to not date a friend's relative, especially without tell them or they are required to beat the kitten out of you while you take it. Naruto would probably want to help out his only living relative. Which leads to another if you do you treat them with the utmost respect and seriousness, or suffer a beating far worse than the dating one.

#991098 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 11 May 2024 - 04:00 AM

I was following a pairing thread on Twitter and saw several fans mocking  NaruSaku because their relationship blossomed primarily due to Sasuke's absence.


Despite many NaruSaku fans hating Sasuke for being an obstacle to the couple and his return definitively crushing NS's chances.

Ironically, Sasuke was the character who helped NaruSaku the most. Not Sai, Yamato or Minato's comment about Kushina.


it was only during his absence that Sakura and Naruto started to grow closer, with the goal of bringing him back. The Promise of a Lifetime (POAL) was made, etc.

Along with his entire transformation into a major antagonist force trying to destroy the village, including trying to kill Sakura, which gave the NaruSaku fandom hope that Sakura would eventually abandon her feelings for him and fall for Naruto.


However, this wasn't meant to be. Sasuke returned to help during the war, was redeemed, apologized, and Sakura jumped into his arms, effectively ending NaruSaku.


Here's the question:


In a scenario where Sasuke stayed in the village and continued to develop his bond with Sakura without events like the Uchiha clan massacre, Orochimaru's cursed seal, Itachi's mind raping , or Tobi's revelation about the village and the Uchiha massacre.

Essentially, Part 2 without the drama of saving Sasuke and his descent into Darkness.


Would Sakura have still developed some kind of bond with Naruto, with Sasuke closer to her like in Part 1? Or is NaruSaku entirely dependent on Sasuke's absence and actions to change Sakura's feelings?


SasuSaku was a very strong couple in Part 1, while NS was almost nonexistent. It was only in Part 2 that NS started to gain traction in the story and by fandom due to Sasuke's absence and crimes.

Well, here is a question you should have been asking: "Why are they mocking a pairing that lost Ten years ago or never existed for Twenty-Five Years?" The answer is the same reason as, why most people will still talk about the Star Wars Prequels but not the Sequels?


The Golden Era of Naruto was when NS was the official pairing is the one people still care about while the nH/SS-Boruto era that has came since is of lower forgettable quality.


NS chances were crushed because outside the story people were convincing Kishimoto to switch the Heroine to Hinata because they thought Sakura was too unpopular. Sasuke had very little to do with it, beyond putting Sakura somewhere once she lost her original status. Sasuke's original purpose, beyond his role as Naruto's rival, was to be a wedge between NS so they didn't get together till the ending. He existed so they would bond without getting together till the end.


...Naruto and Sakura were growing closer since the moment they became team members. Do you really believe there was no development between them at all in part one?! 


Your Question: If the massacre never happened Sasuke would likely want to marry an Uchiha born girl like his Father did and Brother would. To expand on this further. The uchiha before the massacre would married with in the clan when given the option. This was somewhat to keep the Sharingan within the clan. We know of only one half uchiha before the massacre Itachi's fiancé. Obito was an outcast so they didn't really care about him. Sasuke, if he married outside of the clan; he would only choose a girl worthy of being brought into the clan to impress his parents. He would have written Sakura off long before they became teammates and it would not improve once they did. If she improved later on you have the problem of her already forming a bond with Naruto.


As for any scenarios with Sasuke beyond what I posted above. Sasuke only got together with Sakura because he felt guilty about how he treated her. That only happened after Naruto beat him up. That doesn't happen. No reflection. No getting together with Sakura out of guilt.


Naruto and Sakura were always developing a bond. He went from someone she openly hated to a friend she put her faith in by the end of part one. That bond didn't just form the second after Sasuke left.

#991097 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 10 May 2024 - 10:33 PM

Right. Let's get to it. Before anything else lets look at how Sasuke and Sakura got together.


He had just lost his arm, reflected on what he had been doing, and admitting defeat. When Sakura appears after some pondering he apologizes to her for how he behaved. Then he leaves for his wandering to find atonement and implies to start a relationship with her.


Sasuke felt sorry for how he treated Sakura, so he got together with her to make up for it. Since, she was in love with him. That doesn't mean he ever fell in love with her.


What happened after they got together? Well, he kept on wandering to the point he spent 12 years going out of his way to not see his wife or daughter. (And as a kindness, I am only considering the manga. Where at least he didn't enter the village during those years; just going to his and Naruto's private tower for their 'rendezvous.' In the anime, even in the first arc, he was constantly in and out of the village and still avoided his family at all cost.)  After he stopped doing that, while he cares for his daughter, he never mentions his wife Sakura. Seriously, after Kodaichi left she cease to exist in the manga.


Now. Lets look at Sasuke's thoughts and behavior around Sakura.


The Bench scene he chewed her out for her rude comment.


Before the Chunin exam, he chewed her out for focusing on trying to get a date with him, instead of training as she had fallen behind Naruto as far as he was concern.


Him leaving the village, he makes it clear, he doesn't have any romantic feelings for her, while he did enjoy the time he spent on team 7, she is not that important to him, and he only cares about revenge and is willing to abandon everything to get it.


After leaving the village he doesn't comment often on his feelings towards Sakura, because as far as he was concerned he made it clear how he felt about her and ended their bond when he left the village. However, both times he meets her, he tries to kill her, and people around them note; he has no hesitation in his attempts. If people didn't stop him, he would have killed her at least three times.


693. Kakashi asks why Sasuke mistreats Sakura so much when she loves him. Sasuke makes it clear he doesn't love her, doesn't understand why she loves him, he himself doesn't understand what she sees in him to make her like him, and thinks she is just delusional.


So Sasuke doesn't hide the fact that he doesn't like Sakura and he thinks she should stop chasing after him. He doesn't say it all the time when they are teammates because its rude, but he will say his peace if he feels prompted. Once he leaves the village, he just stops caring about Sakura seeing her as nothing more than a deranged annoyance.


So how would if Sasuke didn't leave the village go? Well, they were only on an active team for a short amount of time before Sasuke left. The time between Sasuke leaving and the end of the War arc is about 3-4 years. While that may be three to four years to bond and fall in love...That is also, three to four years for Sasuke to get tired of constantly telling her, "leave me alone, I don't like you, and I don't want to date you." Till he finally snaps and ask her why she even likes him. She tells him about the bench scene. He tells her that it was Naruto.


Also Naruto held himself back for all those years due to his promise of a life time. No promise, means he is free to try and win Sakura's love.


The difference between Naruto and Sakura in this scenario. Is that Naruto will continue course of training and growing stronger. Sakura will likely languish as while she has the desire to grow stronger, she only got the drive after seeing Naruto injured trying to fulfill his promise to her. That doesn't happen, she likely won't go to Tsunade for training and languish in mediocrity. Which will keep making her look worse in Sasuke's eyes. Making it less likely for him to grow fond of her, but more disgusted with her.


So the answer is No. NS was suppose to happen but the pairing changed at the last second. Sasuke always disliked Sakura and didn't want together with her till a mandate order them to get together. Leaving or staying wouldn't have changed anything.

#991046 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 19 April 2024 - 01:33 PM

Damn, telegraphed since the chapter of "death". So much for so little...

I think that it was an option but wasn't planned and they were forced to add it to give the daughter powers. So she could fight and be a main character. Of course whether I am right or wrong, this is very by the numbers and generic.
To make my thoughts on this a bit clearer. "Do you believe they planned to give the daughter Kurama when they killed him?" That would require Ikemoto to care about another Next Generation character Kishimoto made, besides Bolt, enough to want to do a story with them.
Part Two has been Ikemoto addressing problems people had with part one to appease his bosses. One of those being that most of the casts' presence in the manga has been nonexistent.
For example, remember Neo-team 7 members Cups, Salad, and Konohamaru barely existed in part one and they were suppose to be part of the main cast along with Bolt and Nail. Konohamaru barely existed, even before Nail appeared, that it would be easy to forget, that he is suppose to be the Team Captain and Jonin Sensei. Therefore, the main cast main teacher and adult role model. Now, he may be involved only because Moegi has been absorbed and one of the tree people wants to eat him. Cups pretty much just hanged around Salad and they barely even talked about let alone developed his story with his "Sun" Bolt; until part two. For Salad, they seemed to actively want her to have nothing to do in the story till the very end of part one, where she is now in the lead to be Bolt's love interest. 
So going off that. She was at best intended to be Moe's civilian love interest, before the executives had enough.

Sorry wasn't sure anyone was going to comment

Honestly, it not much of a problem one could already guess it would happen from last chapter and once you talked about spoilers (which means it was something that either interested or pissed off people enough to talk about.) It was clear what it was. I more just reminding of my policy of not looking at spoilers till the summary so it is an honest reaction and thought at the time. Then edit to fix mistakes. I needed to do something yesterday so I had to cut the ending short and came back to it.

#991006 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 25 March 2024 - 10:41 AM


gotta love how the minato manga brings us ns fans out of the woodwork :D

...Again, Other because you watched it, you assume Kishimoto must have watched it, and been inspired by it. When there has never been mentioned of it in any interview. 


What has been mentioned is Slam Dunk, (and how it inspired the Naruto-Sakura-Sasuke dynamic,) which I assume you haven't read/watch.


Other there is a difference between speculating that Kishimoto may have been inspired by something and declaring it to be true. There is no evidence of him being inspired by that dragon quest anime, there is of him being inspired by Slam Dunk.

#990999 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 18 March 2024 - 09:11 PM

Crimson Fox, the assistant is Ikemoto that "volunteered" to work on the Boruto manga, which is a massive failure. However he has been dealing with a burden that should have been Kishi's for the past ten years. To openly stab him in the back would pretty much blacklist him from the industry as no one would be able to trust working for him. If there is to be a rewrite of the ending it has to be handled carefully. Granted I get the increasing feeling that the various companies are tired of Boruto's poor performance.


For stories it always best to go for a simple answer only going more elaborate when the simple doesn't fit.


No matter what it quite clear that Kishimoto didn't really look into his fanbase, more than he was told by others, till after the ending.


Just so everyone understands Slam Dunk is considered THE SHOUNEN SPORTS MANGA. The one that set the standard that all sports manga follow after. It also still one of the most profitable manga ever and I think still in the top ten. It was huge in the 90s.


Phantom/Kagomaru, people don't like the rug pull out from under them. If they get invested in a story they want a satisfying pay off. Part of that for romance if a manga spend years building up a couple they expect them to get together. That not happening greatly annoys the sexually frustrated Japanese.

#990995 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 17 March 2024 - 06:08 PM

Other, Kishimoto has never mentioned the Dragon Quest anime you watched as his primary inspiration for Naruto in any interview. He has mentioned that the NartuoXSasukeXSakura dynamics were based off of Slam Dunk. Which I assume you have not watch/read. Hanamichi Sakuragi was a dumb punk that falls in love with Haruko Akagi an avid basketball fan that has a crush on the ace's of her high school's basketball team the gifted Kaeda Rukawa. To win her affection Sakuragi joins the team and is rivals with Rukawa. In Slam Dunk, none of them end up together at the end. Rukawa was never interested in Akagi, and Sakuragi eventually became more interested in focusing on basketball. So if Haruko got together with Sakuragi, She would have been Haruko Sakuragi. Haruko Sakuragi. Haruno, Sakura. Sakura Haruno.


Crimson Fox, it is clear that you have given a lot of time to thinking deeply into why the ending happen, and you hope that Kishimoto's reasonings were just as deep to justify your contemplations.


The simple truth is this. Kishimoto did not have any long term story with tons of intricacies. His story is quite simple. For most of the characters of Naruto, unless they managed to hold his interest, their initial story was all they were going to get. 


For Sakura that means, near the end of the manga she would discover that Naruto was the one that gave her the forehead comment and fall in love with him. Of course plans change, as there was a change in how girls are portrayed in shounen, going from rarely fighting and mainly just hit the main character comically, to can and will fight while still hitting the main character comically, but that meant Kishimoto never really knew what to do with her beyond that. As he never fully understood the change nor embraced it.


Yahagi was Kishimoto's editor until right before the Pein arc. He was his editor for about 10 years when the average is 2. After Yahagi, Kishimoto went through 14 different editors in 5 years. Rumors have it that after Yahagi his next editor was a big fan of Hinata even wanting her to become the love interest/heroine and was the one pushing her to have the scenes she got in the Pein arc.


You seem to think that just because they didn't get together after the Rescue Gaara arc that Kishimoto abandoned it right then and there. When again, it was more him wanting them to get together at the end of the manga. If they did end the pairing at that arc. Why did Sakura have the moment when Naruto was in 4-tails? Why did she try to feed him ramen after the Shikamaru arc? Why she hug him after Pein? Why did she keep having scenes like that till near the end of the manga? The answer is again, they were suppose to get together until Kishimoto was 'convinced' to change it at the last minute.


Sakura is Kishimoto's type. He married a woman that everyone says is very like Sakura.


Kishimoto has said multiple times he does not get the appeal of Hinata, but went with her because he was told she was what the fans wanted. He understand why people like SS and thinks it's cliche. That might have changed after seeing how far Naruto-Boruto has fallen, but he can't do anything right now without it look like he is stabbing his former assistant in the back.


As for the Japanese fanbase...what has happened to Star Wars is a good analogue. Naruto's manga average sale was 3.47 million. Boruto averages out at around 100k. The SS manga got about 50K. Most of the Japanese fanbase either understand that the ending was a move to appease the Western Fanbase, or just assume it was his intention. Either way most have moved on with only nH and SS really staying around, with SS being the larger one by far.

#990959 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 02 March 2024 - 11:12 PM

@Bail I know it wasn't the first one, but it's the first one that I've heard about actually being liked by people.


That is true the quality in the west as I said really took a massive nosedive that even something mediocre is viewed as good.


Imagine people liking a woman for looking like a woman, and not a man. :D What a world we live in.


The Naruto movie I just find it too late and not what we or "Naruto" needed. It just feels like once again them reading the room wrong and not bothering to listen.


The last part, I don't even know what to say dude. In a world of DEI and ESG what you said fits like a glove. And it's likely.



@Blue So it does look like they actually did something well. Again I've only heard from people who didn't follow the manga and also got tired of the decline in stories in these past years in entertainment.

Just making sure. It is the only one they have done that hasn't bombed.


The problem is that the decline is somewhat intentional and somewhat going too far by accident.


BlackRock and Vanguard are two major investment companies. One of their owners has said multiple times that he wants to control the media people view, so he can change their world views; into what he wants it to be. Western Media Companies go along with it because by this point they are full of useless risk-averse executives without an ounce of creativity, and the investment companies are offering guaranteed money for any project they agree with. They hire non-straight white male people regardless of skill, talent, or experience maybe worse in spite of a lack of it; to produce media for "the modern audience." Of course they are informed they have only been hired because they are not straight white males, and just to produce anything. So they barely put any effort into it or lack the talent, skill, or experience to make anything good. Often times this so call "modern audience" is just themselves. 


In short. The investment company just gives them the money, the company spends the money while not bothering with any quality control, and the staff half ass it. So they produce products no one wants beyond themselves. This 'worked' for awhile, when the economy was good, but now its collapsing and the investment company can't give the media companies enough money to say afloat.


The thing is just because they produce something to lower the standards of the customers. Doesn't mean everyone lowers their standards and blindly consume their product. The customer may just refuse to buy and take their money elsewhere. While also being happy when another comes along and respect them by giving them what they want.


For an example. One of the things they want to change is the standards of beauty. They think the current media makes women too unrealistically beautiful and wants to make them more "realistic." How the West goes about it in video games is taking a model based on a real woman and make the character deliberately ugly. People are able to both question & criticize this by just finding a photo of the model they uglified. When they were just suppose to accept the character as what someone actually looks like, and suppose to consider beautiful.


One of the hot games coming out is Stellar Blade. Which has an attractive woman in a tight cyber-suit. People including Western game developers accuse it of being sexist and the female character being obviously fake. The Korean developers show that the model is mostly one to one between the real life model and the character model.


Now onto Naruto. This Lionsgate movie was 'started' ten years ago. Nothing happened till now, because of the collapse of Naruto's popularity after the ending; until One Piece LA happened. Then likely the narrative of, "hey, One Piece was this obscure anime no one knew about and look how successful it adaptation was. What if we do a live action of Naruto the King of International sales for anime?" Nos, you said most of the people you know that keep talking about One Piece weren't fans of the anime or manga. Why can't the same happen for Naruto? Now will it work?...who knows.

#990949 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 24 February 2024 - 01:04 AM

Looks like with have an actual update on the live action naruto movie in that the guy who did shang chi is do it https://www.google.c...1235833511/amp/

...So the guy that did that Marvel movie that was a love letter to China, which was largely considered average/mediocre and forgettable. Well, the cast might actually be/have Asians, instead of vaguely ethnic brown people. So will awkwafina be playing Sakura or Hinata? Since, she is the young Asian actress/singer/comedian they keep shoving into everything.



Since, I know nothing else about the guy. I assume Naruto will be remade, "for modern audiences," and it will at best be average and forgettable.

#990935 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 11 February 2024 - 04:24 PM

I think you need some deaths in for some suspense otherwise the conflict wouldn't look threatening. Heck it could even just be some recurring minor characters like those minor leaf chunin or jonin we see, some of the relatives like hiashi dying to protect neji and hinata or at least maybe knowing because he is old. As for the case with guy would of served the mentor death for Lee to grow and frankly naruto nre healing power made sakura look irrelevant for alot of people.

The problem with the War arc isn't a lack of death, its the lack of meaning. Who cares if a character lives or dies if they do not matter in the story?


From what I recall didn't the manga say like 50,000 ninja died during the war. Did those deaths make the story more meaningful, threatening, realistic, and so on? No? That is because, those death's didn't matter. A big problem in Naruto is a lot of the characters (even fan favorites) do not matter. You can kill off 99% of the cast if you want and it won't affect the story that much because they are just that unimportant.


So If I were to change something about the war arc, it wouldn't be to have more characters die. Its to do what I posted above; to have the cast have their final trials to show their growth and what they are going to do after the story is over.

#990932 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 09 February 2024 - 02:25 PM

So no deaths in the war, including might guy?

Yes. For Guy he lived to show off Naruto's new power he got from the sage. OK.


Now what you are suggesting. Instead he died. OK. Its doesn't change that much in the story. Even the sequel. I guess people will call it deep meaningful realistic some other buzz word, that he died after giving his all fighting Madara but he was done either way in his involvement in the story. So his life and death is an unimportant coin flip by that point.


The problem with the War arc isn't the lack of death; its that it is largely pointless filler fights. The war again should have been the final trial for the cast; strengthens their resolve to do whatever they are going to to after the story. The problem is the cast is so underutilized and underdeveloped it didn't happen, but it also doesn't matter if they lived or die because they don't have much of an impact on the story either way.


Neji's death matters because was one of the few characters with a story and his death allowed his intended fiancé to latch on to the only other story she had; her feelings towards the main character.

#990930 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 09 February 2024 - 12:01 AM

I meant who should have died in the war in general, not only among the k11

And again for a third time, none. They all should had an individual reform that they wanted to work on to change the ninja system. Kishimoto didn't develop them, so most never really had any reforms they wanted to work on. So the ending and the sequel had to scramble to give some for them to do. But that failure doesn't mean the cast needs to die.


A character journey's end does not only mean the only path is their death. It can just be the completion of a goal.