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Member Since 08 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2015 04:57 AM

#578015 Chapter 691

Posted by TheQueenB on 09 September 2014 - 12:39 AM

Either way, no matter how it is translate, it still doesn't support Naruto changing his heart to Hinata. He makes nothing that he is trying or he tried. If it was about Hinata wouldn't he say he succeeded? To his viewpoint, Sakura still isn't officially his GF, but that he doesn't acknowledge Hinata as his GF either despite knowing full well that she loves him.


That's what I think, too. If he were certain about his feelings for Hinata, he'd have a more definite answer. Hinata's already confessed, and they had shared something important, when mourning Neji's death, so there'd be no doubt about her reciprocating any feelings that he could've developed for her. However, Naruto still called Sakura his girlfriend several chapters thereafter, and this took place in front of Hinata, might I add. If Naruto definitely did or didn't have someone, he would've been honest about it, especially because he was interacting with his dead father, his role model. It's since he was uncertain that he had such difficulty putting together an appropriate response, I think.

#578004 NaruSaku - The Build Up!

Posted by TheQueenB on 09 September 2014 - 12:30 AM

Oh well, so I take it part 2 Sakura would still behave the same with Sasuke as she does now had he remained the 'same' Sasuke, meaning she would eventually dwell out of her crush mistaken for feelings and get over Sasuke and fall for Naruto!


Okay, so I know that this post was made several months ago, but I wanted to find the perfect opportunity to bring this up, so I'll be weird and take advantage of it. 


Something that I've actually brought up on Tumblr and to which I've given a lot of thought is that even in part 1, Sakura wanted to see Naruto become Hokage. Not cooler, more intelligent Sasuke. Naruto. She was willing to throw the Chuunin exams, thereby messing up Sasuke's prospects in the exam in the process for Naruto's sake. On top of that, she called out Sasuke for being a coward not too long thereafter in the Forest of Death, in addition to making light of Sasuke in order to encourage Naruto during the preliminary stage of the third round. Essentially, despite her crush on Sasuke, she displayed a slight preference for Naruto. Remember, during the arc with Tazuna, she even started feeling something for him. In part 2, during the CPR scene, we see that Sakura is just as devoted to Naruto's dream, if not more, and wants to see him achieve it. Sasuke, the man she supposedly loves, has returned and is after a very ambitious goal, but her heart still remains with Naruto. After all this time, he's still her preference. 


What this suggests to me is that even if Sasuke hadn't left, Sakura would still have had a closer bond with Naruto, which might have turned into something more. I feel that Sasuke liked Sakura back, to a certain extent, but I don't think anything would've worked out, just the same. Ultimately, Sakura's heart would still lead her toward Naruto in the end. If anything, going back to the forehead kiss and our desires to see it play out in a way of bringing things in full circle, I think there's a chance that the truth behind the bench scene might have been exposed even sooner, since Sasuke would've been around, too, which would've increased the likelihood of it being revealed. 


What do you guys think?

#577962 Hello

Posted by TheQueenB on 08 September 2014 - 11:44 PM

Lets just say I'm not very popular.


Don't think about it like that! What's most important is just having fun on there, you know? We primarily went on there to connect with like-minded people and to have a little bit of fun with our interests.  :hug:

#577952 Hello

Posted by TheQueenB on 08 September 2014 - 11:31 PM

Welcome to H&E! Hope you enjoy it here!


Awww! Thanks!  :excited:

#577943 Hello

Posted by TheQueenB on 08 September 2014 - 11:19 PM

Welcome to NaruSaku! I hope you have a good time here! I bet it will 100X better now that you have an account! :D Once again, Welcome!


Thanks! Looking forward to it!  :D

#577939 Hello

Posted by TheQueenB on 08 September 2014 - 11:16 PM

Yaay new member! Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay :))


Thanks! I hope I'll be able to get to know everyone here.  :D

#577884 Hello

Posted by TheQueenB on 08 September 2014 - 09:15 PM

Welcome Welcome to H&E hope you have a great time in here with all of us crazy but very funny and overall sarcastic NS fans :D


Thank you!  :wave: